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Writer's pictureKatie, CVT, DN-CET, HABc, CPCN

Web Of Illusions: Why You Should Be Asking Questions When It Comes To Your Pet's Healthcare.

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

Making decisions

When making decisions for your pet (and yourself) you will come across a lot of conflicting information.

I've been at the forefront of this crossroads for many years.

The veterinary, and pet industry in general, is filled with opposing views.

  • Train this way, don't train that way.

  • Feed this food, don't feed that food.

  • Give this medication, it's 'safe and effective'!

In the beginning years starting out in the care-taking of pets and then becoming a veterinary technician, I've been taught countless things that later turned out to be very false.

Most of which had taken it's reigns in the category of fear-mongering...

A perfect example being: "Don't ever feed your pet raw food, or human food.. it's dangerous!!"

Well, after a huge lawsuit of a 'professionally recommended' food that was found to be KILLING thousands of pets around the country... I began doing some research.

What science is behind these claims?

Needless to say: I started to question everything about pet food, and the industry in general.


Questioning Everything

To this day, I ask questions about many practices used in the mainstream pet industry.

Even if it conflicts with my current beliefs... I would rather have up to date, truthful information than stay caught in a Web of Illusions just to satisfy my ego.

I fully admit;

It's hard to find truth in what we are being told. It's even harder sometimes to let go of our ideals that we've held tightly for so long.

The push comes from:

Big universities, corporate companies, TV ads, freebies & incentives, news article propaganda...

You name it, it's out there.

Some professionals will readily explore and totally run with the idea of new studies, views, opinions, products and so forth.

Others will write it off before they even look at it. Wanting to grasp their ego tighter than facts.


What We Know

Unfortunately, we only know what we know.

Often times, as a professional, you work your way through school, learning SO much that you don't have the time or energy to think that maybe there's something else out there.

It is all too common that only after you work in your field for 'X' amount of years, do you start to see the pattern and think: "This isn't really working."

A recent quote I heard from a webinar explained it all:

"We don't really know, so we're just gonna do it this way because it doesn't appear to be causing a problem."

Did I once think that all dogs who didn't take flea and tick medications were going to get infected of Lyme disease? Yup.

Did I once think that steroids were the answer, when there were no answers? Yes.

I believed what I was told.

I followed what I was told.

Why would I question it?

These are professionals.

And although we all assume that the person who's job it is to make sick patients better, this isn't always the case.

Some maintain their oath: "First do no harm."

While others create an oath of their own: "Give me thy money."

I've seen this more times than I'd care to admit.

We are led blindly into a pool of oblivion.


So, What's the Truth?

How do I know what to believe?

When should I ask questions?

Where do I turn?

It's difficult, I get it.

I've been there.

I still am this person.

It takes hundreds of hours of research to gain knowledge in a specific area.

And then it takes 100 more when additional science or peer-reviewed material comes along and changes the last findings into current findings.

I will also add, animals don't fit into a textbook. They are individuals.

Standardized care is not the answer to true health and wellness.

Just as all human children do not learn in the same way. Neither do animals.

One trainer might have fantastic results using positive reinforcement with an easy going dog who responds well to treats and praise.

While another may use a positive punishment style for more serious issues.

One cat might do very well on grains, while another may aggressively pull out his fur because it's causing far too much inflammation in his body.

Every case and every animal is different.

We cannot stay caught in a web of disbelief.

We cannot ignore science.

We cannot deny facts.

We cannot ignore results.

We cannot treat every animal the same exact way and expect change across the board.

We cannot continue down a path of fear-based mentality just because we are 'afraid of letting go' of our current ideology and what we are told about 'what is right'.


How Do I Make Important Decisions?

Whether you have questions about a pain medication, training, your pet's condition, vaccines, food, a leash, a surgical procedure or a litter box:

Do. Your. Research.

Trust your instincts.

If something doesn't feel right, ask yourself why.

Ask questions.

What are the risks? What are the benefits? Are their alternatives?

What are the provider's credentials?

What science is behind these recommendations?

Get opinions.

Get a second opinion.

Get a third opinion.

You ALWAYS have options.

*Unless it's an emergency

Don't think you don't!

If you're confused:

Sometimes, it helps to have an outside knowledge base when making decisions for your furry companion.

Some tests, results, treatments, etc. can be hard to interpret.

Explanations by the doctor may be unclear.

You may be confused, or not sure what questions to ask next. Which means nodding along without actually knowing what you're agreeing to.

Having a helping hand explain things differently from an outside perspective can assist you in the decision making process for your dog or cat.

I've had many friends contact me over the years with questions. And even total strangers. I'm here to help in any way I can.


It's Important to Remember:

Everyone has their own truth.

Some are backed by science and common sense...

And some are backed by fear....

Some do their own research.

Others do as they're told and don't think twice.

So, the real question is; Which side do you choose to be on?


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*Beautiful spiderweb graphic was designed by Growin' Golden.

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