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Clarity Call
Curious if a full package consultation is right for you and your pet?
Package/ Service Details
👀 Overview: (1) 30min call Get your foot in the door with need to know info about where you're headed in your pet care journey and learn about how we can work together to get you on the road to success! Release old doubts, fears, and perceived obstacles to change. A Clarity Call is specifically designed for getting a baseline of any problem areas or concerns you have and deciding how to proceed. That way you are provided the appropriate amount of support you need and (hopefully) the results you are seeking. ✅ Is this right for me? Choose this option if you are looking to receive well-rounded support and professional one-on-one guidance. This call is for those who are ready to proceed with a: ▪ Welcome Home New Pet package ▪ Whole Body Wellness Program 📝 Things we will cover: ▪ Brief assessment ▪ Diet and supplement evaluation ▪ Veterinary record and health history review ❌ What's NOT included: ▪ Specific health advice for your pet. A Clarity Call is a quick way for us to establish a base connection, go over the initial intake form and discuss your pet's health history, any concerns you may have, assess diet, supplements and lifestyle, as well as what primary needs you have with your pet to see if it's a good fit for us to work together! Indications: a) A Clarity Call is required for packaged services (WHNP & WBW) b) It is not a guarantee for other services to be provided *This service is also suitable for past HTP Clients who have not been on an active care plan in more than 6 months (re-evaluation)