Feb 14, 20214 min

MCT Keto Pops! Valentine Surprise!

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

These MCT Keto Pops are sure to delight! Learn all the proven benefits of coconut oil! From reducing seizures and inflammation to even fighting cancer and promoting weight loss! Yes, I provided plenty of links! See how this super food can improve your pet's health and enjoy making this quick and easy Valentine Recipe!


12 pops

Total Time Investment:

10 minutes


  • Organic Coconut Oil (be sure it is cold-pressed and unrefined for maximum benefit!)

  • Organic Strawberries (or other fruit of your choice). I chose strawberries because they red and are pretty typical for Valentine's Day! You could also use organic blueberries for an antioxidant punch!

Other supplies:

  • Heart shaped silicone mold (you could use any mold you want, or even an ice cube tray)

A quick overview of why coconut oil is so fantastic!

First off, keto stands for ketogenic. A type of diet that is high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate.

Coconut oil is often used as a healthy fat in these diets due to it's high content of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) fats and it's tremendous amount of health benefits.

Yes, I know... there's a new study floating around in the veterinary world that coconut oil is terrible for dogs..

I recently heard there's one about humans as well and many holistic practitioners are essentially losing their marbles over it....

So, here I am.. Weighing in on the issue.

It is said that coconut oil raises LDL cholesterol and is not heart healthy, and while that can be true, let me be clear... Higher cholesterol levels do not affect dogs and cats as they do humans.

"Increased LDL and VLDL cholesterol are risk factors for atherosclerosis in people. Dogs and cats are considered resistant to atherosclerosis associated with hypercholesterolemia."


Although an extremely high fat diet and unregulated metabolism can cause other health issues, a small amount of coconut oil regularly is unlikely to cause harm, but be sure to check with your pet's regular veterinarian and do your own research!

Many of my own dog's health issues (including plugged anal glands) disappeared once I started feeding her coconut oil daily. Her blood work results show high cholesterol, and our Integrative Veterinarian is not concerned at all!

Quick links on coconut oil benefits:

Side note: there is also a lot of evidence on using ketogenic diets to reduce seizures with epilepsy in humans, especially children.

I literally have dozens more studies... But I'll leave it at this.

I find it hard to understand how '2 new studies' have completely turned so many away and coconut oil is suddenly the new evil fad.

Yes, it's almost pure fat... But, fat is also critically needed by the body.. Especially for brain function, metabolism, energy, and to insulate nerves.

Moderation and balance is key!

Any who, let's get back to our recipe!

Back to our recipe!


Melt a few tablespoons of organic coconut oil on the stove.

Place your cut pieces of fruit into the mold.

I quartered my strawberries and placed them in to almost shape the heart!

Gently spoon the coconut oil into the mold to cover the fruit entirely.

Ready, set... set!

Let these set in the fridge or freezer until solid. It shouldn't take long!


Pop them out of the mold and serve!

I like to add these to my dog's meal. I always add warm water to make her food so I just let the Keto Pop melt into it as well.

***General rule of thumb for serving size:

1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight is recommended. However, do not start off with a large amount if your pet has never had coconut oil before as it can trigger a detox effect.

A small, pea-sized amount is perfect to start. My dog is 50 pounds and she does well with a full tablespoon at each meal. When I first started her on coconut oil, she had some trouble with it so I started with a grape-sized amount and moved up.

View Foodie Friday Post

She loves it! You can also feed them plain as a snack!


Since coconut oil is only liquid when heated. They will stay solid at room temperature once hardened.

These store well in a baggie or other container in the fridge or freezer or anywhere that is below 76 degrees F which is generally room temperature!


I hope your pets enjoy a healthy coconut oil treat!

We use it for absolutely everything!!

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