Apr 8, 20205 min

The Ultimate Detox You've Never Heard Of! And Why Your Pet Needs It!

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

Could it be possible? One tiny mineral that could clear so many toxins from the body? Fluoride? Heavy metals? Mold toxicity? Even radiation?! Well, here it is. Zeolite should be called a miracle. It was originally used in veterinary medicine and has been extensively researched in animals for it's health benefits. And there's plenty of studies packed in this post to prove it's value! Ready to dive in and improve your pet's health?! Spoiler alert; I use it too! And I've included a comprehensive list of my own personal experience and gains from Zeolite!


Time to clear out the old!

When I speak of TOXINS that wreak havoc on the body, the list is practically endless.

Where do these toxins come from?

Toxins are present nearly everywhere, in:

  • Soil

  • Air

  • Water

  • Food

  • And even pharmaceuticals

The use of conventional medicine can also be a source of toxicity in some cases. Certain pharmaceuticals are known to contain things like heavy metals and other chemical compounds that can damage a pet's health and immune system.

These are all in our environment every day. And they affect our pets, just as much as us!

The importance of eliminating toxins in the home, and the body is vast.

When toxins reside in the body, they compete with vital nutrients. As toxin levels rise, important vitamins and minerals start to become depleted. This leads to damage of healthy cells, impacts proper functioning of metabolic pathways, completely disrupts homeostasis, and can ultimately lead to diseases such as, but not limited to:

All of these can manifest from an overall dysfunction in the immune system when the body is over-burdened.

The information provided here will be valuable to you as a pet owner, as a parent, or if you just care about your own health but don't have pets or children!

Due to the heavy domestication of our pets, they are significantly more exposed to toxins in everyday life as compared to their wild counterparts. It is up to us to keep them healthy, and in the best possible version of themselves they can be.

I must note:

You CANNOT detox a symptomatic pet on a poor diet.

You MUST set a good foundation for toxins to be properly eliminated from the body (including selecting the right nutrients at the appropriate times), so the body can facilitate an effective detox. If detoxification steps are not done correctly, you can trigger a cascade of unwanted symptoms, and ultimately make things much worse!

Please work with a professional if you are interested in detoxing your dog or cat!


One supplement I've fallen in love with is a form of Zeolite called Clinoptilolite.

Now, there are many different types of zeolite, and just as many forms of administering it (pills, sprays, powders, etc).

Both of these factors can affect the outcome of use.

I do caution any form of oral powder as it can potentially be degraded by stomach acid and do more harm than good by breaking apart the bonds of the structure. I purchase a high quality oral spray.

I won't go in depth or on a sales pitch rant of the particular one I use, but I will share some info on how this supplement can benefit your pet, your family as a whole, and what our results have been so far.

What is ZEOLITE?

Clinoptilolite is the most studied of all zeolites, in veterinary AND human medicine.

It is a porous minerals with honeycomb shaped, cage-like structures and a strong negative charge. It has a high absorbancy and ion-exchange capacity. This negative charge and ion-exchange attracts and traps anything positively charged - TOXINS.

It is most known to safely bind to and eliminate HEAVY METALS. Below is an excerpt of a study done in animals:

Using a mechanism such as this, allows the body to regain homeostasis, once it's interruptions are removed. This includes allowing the body to fight off viruses, bacteria, and even parasites! Many have reported parasite excretion in their journey.

Don't let this alarm you! Better out than in!!

Think of it like a large boulder being removed from a water pipeline...

The flow can resume, and rivers and lakes will fill up again.

Here are some documented uses- note, these are NOT product claims of any sort, but simply my own research findings from numerous studies available online. Most studies have coincidentally been done in animals and veterinary medicine!

Now, again... This is just a FEW examples of the evidence I have found.

Improvements in my Dog:

  • Huge decrease in anal gland problems-her main issue (go figure, it's related to the immune system, inflammation, and allergies).

  • Eye color got clearer/ not so foggy (eyes clouded after last vaccination).

  • Follicular cysts vanished! -though harmless, these usually are a nuisance and have to be surgically removed.

Now, my dog has always been very healthy, so I was not expecting a rough detox with her....

BUT, she did go through a fear period (emotional detox), as well as developing a lot of skin issues, including cysts, and a yeast infection on her stomach (these cleared up with extra nutritional support).

Keep in mind, the skin is the largest organ, and a huge detox pathway! It absorbs a lot, and excretes a lot! Many things exit through the skin when the body purges. Which is why human adults can get acne, and children can get eczema. The same goes for our pets!

My experience!

I have personally noticed a massive difference in my own health as well!

Prior to beginning this supplement, I had wide spread pain and body aches (labeled fibromayalgia), insomnia, extreme fatigue, poor memory, abdominal pains, bruised easily, hair loss, no appetite.... Plus more.

I noticed a difference the very first day I took it!

My Own Gains:

  • RAPID, thick hair and nail growth.

  • Increased energy.

  • Decreased bruising.

  • Decreased headache frequency and intensity.. I went from 5 migraines a week, to 1 every other week.

  • Improved digestion.

  • Better overall cognitive function and memory.

  • Blood sugar stabilization.

  • Appetite returned.

  • No more insomnia

  • Body aches are gone

  • Mysterious stomach pains disappeared.

I've also used this for allergies and asthma attacks, muscle aches, colds and warts.

I will challenge you all, if you are truly looking for a way to improve your pet's (and your own) life, support the body at a cellular level.

Along with a healthy diet, this can decrease the toxin load and increase antioxidant capacity to help the body heal, and thrive!

Please keep in mind, that although this is indicated to be an extremely safe supplement; the body MUST be supported while detoxing occurs. You cannot continue to feed the body garbage and think that a detox will counteract the effects. A healthy diet and lifestyle MUST be employed as well, or you will do a double-whammy on the system!

*I administered a daily green smoothie for pets with milk thistle, spirulina to my dog daily. She also got extra probiotics, and I used various essential oils. Close monitoring must be done and dose adjustments can be made if things are moving too fast. I did have to back down her protocol quite a bit for a few days so her body could catch up with repairs.

More info:

You can get an in-depth look at more evidence and view further studies on Zeolite HERE!

Just do a page search to find what you're looking for!

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"Dedicated to helping, and empowering pet owners to make better decisions in order to improve the health and well-being of their pets, naturally. Because when you know better, you can do better."

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