Sep 28, 20206 min

Enhance Your Dog's Joint Health & Vitality with this Natural Supplement

Updated: Mar 5

Learn about the risks of NSAID use in dogs & cats. PLUS; view research on the benefits of a healthy, nourishing alternative to Rx pain medications. Not only is there a natural and effective way to manage joint inflammation and chronic pain... This one particular product has been shown to actual RESTORE joint health, provide immune support, and boost the overall vitality of your pet! Learn more in this exclusive post on Re-Thinking NSAIDs!

Do you have an old, arthritic pet?

Or a young, extremely active one?

Either way, this post is for you!

It's time to get re-think the classic NSAIDs, synthetic and highly processed chewable joint supplements, and stinky fish oil pills.

It's time to say goodbye to your old beliefs about joint health and immune support.

What's the deal?!

Prescription medications for pain and inflammation can be costly and cause more harm than good. It's important to speak with your veterinarian about risk vs benefits to medication, and any supplements you use, especially if your pet has a medical condition!

NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug) are often used to manage pain and inflammation in pets (and humans).

Uses can include, but not limited to:

  • Acute injury

  • Surgery

  • Arthritis

Short term use can sometimes be needed to manage pain, especially after surgery or acute injury.

But some veterinarians prescribe these medications for long-term management of conditions, such as arthritis.

How Do NSAIDs Work?

Essentially, NSAIDs relieve pain and inflammation in the body.

Routine liver function tests are often done for pets who are on these medications long- term.

"For a dog taking an NSAID long-term for osteoarthritis, it’s good to check his or her liver and kidney function by doing blood tests before starting the medication and then repeating the blood tests on a regular basis."


As you know by now, I'm a firm believer in supporting the body for it to function optimally as naturally as possible, rather than covering symptoms and suppressing these natural functions.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes NSAIDs are most definitely needed for short term use, and on occasion- may be needed long term.

Are NSAIDs Safe?

They can be. But they can also cause side effects (as with nay medication).

NSAID side effects can include:

  • GI upset

GI signs should NEVER be ignored. If your pet is experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, or black/ tarry stool; seek medical help immediately. Even if you were given this drug by a veterinarian and gave the correct dose. Side effects are a sign that a medication is not agreeing with your pet and could be harming them.

  • Kidney damage

The FDA states:

"Because NSAIDs prevent the production of prostaglandins or block some prostaglandin activity, these drugs can reduce blood flow to the kidneys, possibly causing kidney damage and leading to sudden-onset kidney failure."

Also included in this article, the FDA mentions:

"Currently, no NSAIDs are approved for long-term use in cats. More than one dose of meloxicam in cats can cause kidney failure or death, and the effects of long-term use of other NSAIDs in cats are unknown. Cats are more sensitive than dogs to the side effects of NSAIDs because they can't break down the drugs as well."


  • Liver toxicity

Most medications are processed and broken down in the liver, which can cause extra stress and cause damage. Further damage can include liver inflammation, jaundice, and liver failure.

"Many NSAIDs are mitochondrial toxins, and some are associated with idiosyncratic acute hepatocellular toxicity."


"Most NSAID-associated liver damage occurs within the first three weeks of starting the medication."


  • Ulcers

The GI tract is the most sensitive organ in the body. And without a doubt, medications play a critical role in damaging the delicate mucosal lining.

"NSAIDs can cause direct topical damage to the GI mucosa, and inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 decreases production of protective prostaglandins."


It's very important to be aware of the side effects of these medications.

*Please contact Pet Poison Helpline if your pet unintentionally ingests these medications, or if an overdose happens.

What About a Natural Supplement for Joint Health?

Is there a safer alternative, that's just as effective as prescription NSAIDs?

You bet!!

But there's a catch!

While some people will suggest high doses of fish oil as a natural remedy for pain, inflammation, and arthritis... even that can have side effects (upset stomach, diarrhea, decreased blood platelets, increased inflammation).

My dog never did well with fish oil. In fact, fish oil is now considered to be a poor (and even toxic) supplement anyways. So I don't recommend it.

Some common joint supplements can actually be far from healthy.

Many contain various additives that can contribute to allergies, inflammation, stomach upset, and more.

Glycoflex Chews:


Milkbone Joint Treats:

  • Soy

  • Canola Oil

  • Sorbic Acid

  • Rye Flour

  • Brewer's Yeast

  • Wheat

  • Salt

  • Animal fat

  • Caramel Color

These two ingredient lists are just a huge pile of NOPE on my end.

Not to mention, the isolating and processing of either natural or synthetic vitamins renders them nearly useless.

Isolating nutritional variables has little value, since whole food items have many co-factors and all the nutrients work together in synergy.

When these are stripped away, they don't work as well.

In order for your pet to receive the highest quality supplement and most bio-available nutrients- be sure you use sources from whole foods.

Please avoid synthetically or overly processed chews and capsules.

What I Use & Recommend:

Remember, if your dog is in severe pain from arthritis, and on long-term NSAID medications, do not abruptly discontinue them. Always speak with your veterinarian about options!

Green Lipped Mussel (GLM)

  • 100% pure -cold extracted and stabilized

  • 100% Nutraceutical grade

  • Nothing added

By far, one of my favorite supplements! And I never let my dog go without it!

I have had my dog on this since she was 2 years old. She is extremely active and can turn on a dime.

I wanted to give her hard working joints some extra support (truthfully, I dreaded the day she tore an ACL)!

The Green Lipped Mussel (GLM) possesses the strongest anti-inflammatory effects of any shellfish or mussel! GLM has high bioavailability, and is sustainable!

It has similar effects of NSAIDs on inhibiting certain mechanisms to reduce inflammation- without the nasty side effects!

"The extracted lipids have been shown to possess significant cyclo-oxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX-5) inhibitory activity; hence, the GLM seems to be working on the same mechanisms as newer NSAIDs."
"This dual inhibition of both LOX- and COX metabolic pathways may offer an explanation for the reported clinical efficacy and favorable gastrointestinal tolerability of GLM. Platelet aggregation remains unaltered and the lipid fraction be non-gastrotoxic in fasted disease-stressed arthritic rats at a dose of 300 mg/kg (treatment dose 20 mg/kg) (8,13). This shows that the GLM does not have the negative side-effects of the NSAIDs."


"The results of clinical trials for GLM have been significantly promising."


GLM has so many health benefits, not limited to joint health!

Let's take a closer look at the evidence.

The Benefits of GLM:

Side note: GLM has promising results for humans as well!

If you have been looking for the perfect supplement for you pet; This Is it!!

What other rich qualities does GLM contain?

  • Glycosaminoglycans (GAGS)

  • Good source of amino acids

  • Packed with essential trace minerals

  • Natural proteins

  • Enzymes

  • Natural source of Glucosamine and chondroitin

  • Omega's such as EPA & DHA

With all of these nutrients in such a natural and bio-available form, you can see how this would be an overall support to not only inflammation and joint health, but also in boosting the immune system and supporting skin and coat!

I was so excited to give this to my dog when I first found it.

Added, unexpected benefit:

  • Reduced shedding!!

Who doesn't love that?!

Fish oil on the other hand, does not have these benefits and is often chemically processed and even heat treated for extraction.

Fish oil can contain:

  • Oxidized fats (source of free radicals)

  • Heavy metals

  • PCB's (plastics)

Fish oil is also not sustainable, and is rapidly killing marine life and the ocean's ecosystem. Low-quality fish oil supplements can be very inflammatory. I do not recommend them for my Clients!

I'm a HUGE advocate for Super Snouts for many reasons.

It is pure & high quality.

  1. Customer service is amazing

  2. Sourcing is high quality

  3. Third party testing

  4. No fillers

  5. No preservative

  6. They care about safety & quality over profits


Bottom line?


It's never too early to start your pet on joint supplements, especially if spaying/ neutering before maturity!

A proper diet and gut health can also help greatly with joint health, reducing shedding and immune support!

Help give your pet a pain free life, and a strong immune system... so they can have Happy Trails!

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"Dedicated to helping, and empowering pet owners to make better decisions in order to improve the health and well-being of their pets, naturally. Because when you know better, you can do better."

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*Please be sure to always consult a trusted veterinarian before starting or stopping any medications or supplements especially if your pet has a medical condition.